Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy Gregorian New Year 2025

I can' remember if I've ever had a year with no new year's goals. Perhaps, in my sullen twenties where my hormones ruled my better sense. If I am being honest with myself, these crone years are already easier than the ones from my youth. But I digress... 

On to the 2025 Goals: 1. Blog more. I am shooting for once a week, but we shall see how it goes. I would love to record the journey beyond photographs in 2025. How did I feel? What motivated me to do better? What made me cry or laugh or want to share with others?
2. Under-consume for the planet, for my budget, for my future goals. I have too much, I buy too much, I want off the merry-go-round of Amazon, fast fashion, Earth-destroying crap. I am not buying anything beyond the strict needs. I will continue to thrift (with a strict budget and list of wants only). This goes by many names: No Spend, No Buy, Frugal Life, Minimalism...on and on. I hear it's trendy which makes me both happy and also a bit nervous because our modern lives are so centered on a booming economy of junk.
3. Use it up before buying more. This one is a sister to under-consumption. I have already consumed, I am beyond blessed with stuff, and I need to use up what I have. I will be doing a pantry challenge from Jan-March. Maybe I will record my weekly plant-based meals using up the things I canned, the contents of the freezer, the crap I bought with no plan.
4. Grow a bigger garden, forage more, preserve more. I had so much fun in the past couple of years doing all of these, so this one continues on into 2025.I am hoping to move in 2026 to a rural property with trees and less car sounds, so this might be my last year of gardening at this house.
5. Enter canned goods in the New York State Fair. I am super excited about this one. I hope I get a ribbon!
6. Create more art. Focus energy on spun cotton crafting. This is historic craft that is new to me. I started late in 2024 and I enjoy it. I want to get better at it. I will also craft more using up stuff I have hoarded: Miniatures, junk journaling, upcycling clothing. Again, this one relates to 2 & 3.
7. Spend at least 30 minutes outside every single day. What does this mean? More sunsets, more beach time, more waterfall seeking adventures, more time at Onyare Forest, More nature observations, more mushroom hunting, more dog and girl adventures...
8. Develop an organizational system for the household. What can I say? While I am improving year-by-yesr, I have spent too many years as a hot mess I want to inventory my stuff, know what I have and where the F it is. This includes another big purge, especially since I am hoping to move again in a year or so.
9. Read more. I used to be a bookworm. I really believe social media is re-wiring our brains...or maybe just mine. Either way, I plan to read at least 26 books (two-ish a month which seems really realistic at this busy point in my life). I also am including a side-quest here: Three must be classics I have never read. I have picked out two with one TBD: Bambi (Saltan) and History of New York (Irving). And, yet another side-quest: The books must be from the library, my own or the public one. Last, limit social media time and read.
10. Get the house ready for sale. This one could sadly be determinate on the conditions of our society, the state of the world and the economy. Either way, I have a roof over my head and I am grateful. However, I want to manifest a change to a quieter place, surrounded by trees and nature. I am so exhausted by city living. I need to be able to sleep to sounds of owls and not mufflers.
OK, I have a bigger list and a lot of life-changing events in the queue for 2025, but these are my 2025 goals in a nutshell and the ones I am likely to share results here. Do you set New Year goals? Above all, I wish you a happy and healthy 2025!

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